Thursday, August 14, 2008

Movin' on Up

Well, the end is near as we say good-bye to Chicago land. There are so many friends I haven't even been able to contact to say a personal good-bye to since the move came upon us so suddenly. Our PODS unit pulled out of the driveway on Tuesday and we are now doing some heavy duty cleaning to get ready for some open houses this weekend.

I've done two special things in the last two days that help me bring closure to my performing career in Chicago. Yesterday, Writers' Theatre let me raid their publicity photo database for the shows I've been in there and I collected quite a few wonderful pictures for posterity or perhaps my office so that the students will believe that I've actually had a career before teaching. (When I have time to fiure out how to download images to the blog site, I'll include some.)So many powerful shows with so many generous people and fellow performers. It made me cry a little as I looked through so many tender memories. Then, I went to say good-bye to my friends who were in the middle of Tech rehearsals at Writers' Theatre bookstore space. All of my Chicago mentors happened to be in that one room: Bill Brown, Larry Yando and Michael Halberstam, my teachers, directors, fellow actors and friends. All of whom have guided my career and life with such love and humor.

Then today, I took my two girls, Sunshine and Bonuts, to see The American Girl Revue at the Chicago American Girl Place store. That was my best non-Equity performing gig for two years. I also helped originate the original production of their following show: Circle of Friends. I don't know that I approve of all the merchandise or the exorbitant prices - but the stories from the American Girl series are great for teaching empathy and awareness of girls living in another time and place struggling to learn moral lessons. The musical is great. My daughters have been listening to the CD since they were babies and were singing along with the performers.

I can't believe that my children are old enough to watch a show that I was in seven years ago or that the child performers I worked at while in the show have now graduated from college. My heart was very full and I fought back tears as I thought about not only the lyrics to certain of the songs but how blessed my life has been in the last seven years since I had children to teach me to re prioritize. As much as I will miss the thrill of performing, I am looking forward to being more a part of their lives and a mother who can tuck them in at night.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

We heard you made it safely to Utah and we're glad to have you closer. although we are sad we don't have an excuse to head to Chicago anymore. I can tell you how to upload pictures on your blog if you give me a call. Good luck with your new job.