Friday, August 1, 2008

My Loves - July

I am stealing this idea from my friend Kristy Glass. It seems like a great way to catch all the lovely things I missed blogging about during the month:

So here goes:

Being so brave at the Dr.'s.
Working so hard on the house to get it ready to sell: painting the house and barn blue with white trim, sealing the drive-way, and re-tiling the kitchen floor (with all the mental stress that conflict entailed).
Late-night hours finishing those Yaskawa videos so that we have enough money to cover rent and a mortgage for a few months.
Coming to my opening night party and being so proud of me.
Coming on a date to the theatre and leaving during the performance to take the emergency "Your cat has a tick!!!" phone call.
Letting me stay out late to "party" with the theatre friends, since this is my last show for awhile.
Being nothing but enthusiastic about moving to Utah and my new job.
All the yummy meals he is cooking trying to empty the freezer and our pantry.
Helping me with the diapers in the church parking lot.

Going on the airplane all by yourself and making best friends in that 3 hour trip.
Your lemonade stand and cookie selling.
Your excitement over the new $1.00 gold coins.
Living without Ducky in the week we was lost prior to your trip and almost the entire time you've gone since you left him at Gma Mellen's house.
Walking in the parade and throwing candy in your Daisy smock and baseball hat.
Dunking your head in someone's kiddie-pool to cool off.
When asked if we should keep a stuffed Elmo when sorting toys, answering "No, Elmo's a loser."

Being such a big girl and Mommy's helper while Sunshine is gone.
Always trying to barter for some "Beserk" (dessert) in exchange for being good.
Being so worried about Geogie's boo-boo on her neck.
- After a day of being contrary while at the babysitters, being asked "Do you want to dance?" A - "NO!" "Do you want to sing?" A- "NO!" "Do you want a cookie?" A-"NO!" "Wow, you sure have some opinions don't you?" A- "NO! I have a COW!"
- Insisting that you are NOT 3 yrs. old but actually "3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,....26!" while measuring the height of your body with hand slaps traveling up your body and over your head.
-Demanding a killer hug and kiss, both given and received, before I leave for work each evening.

Bragging about your "Big Dick" (stick) while swinging a branch twice your size around while the Elders Quorum were painting the house.
Finally taking your medicine like a big-boy without a screaming crying fit.
Snuggling with Mommy every night.
Your two-fisted hot-dog buffet.
Coloring with permanent marker all over your bedroom door.
Singing the ABCs perfectly in tune, only repeating A,B,C,D,E,F and G through to the end.
Demanding to sing ABCs every time we get in the car. And "Happy Family."
Demanding that your seat belt be done up completely before we leave to start driving.

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